Sophie Lee's Blog
Welcome to 2020 and to the world of slhippocampus!

The new decade has dawned dramatically, trailing the carcasses of climate change related devastation in its wake, whilst simultaneously ushering in diplomatic catastrophes, threats of imminent violence, blundering despots, uprisings and nail-bitingly long-awaited court cases. How is this a welcoming introduction to my website, you ask? Well, this year I aim to soothe you with my random, rambling observations of modern life and I’ll throw in a sprinkling of minutiae to provide a brief respite from the madness unfolding around us.

I’m currently writing some new fiction so anything novel or short related is as thrilling to me as a… I dunno, a pair of box-fresh Todds are to someone by the name of Tarquin who is on his way to Tramps following a shooting party.

Please feel free to congratulate me now for not mentioning Brexit thus far. I think the national obsession here will wane slightly under Let’s Get Brexit Done Boris so that we may finally focus on the many other pressing matters that require our thought and attention. Of course, I could be completely wrong, but that will still give me something to write to you about, when they can no longer get urgent pharmaceuticals across the European borders and I end up in hospital. It’ll be jolly. Promise!

Follow me on
Twitter @SophELee
Instagram @slhippocampus

I look forward to spending 2020 with you and don’t worry, everything will be hippocampus.

  1. 30 March 2020

    9th March

    Hmm not sure what I was thinking with the whole ‘cautiously optimistic outlook’ outlined in my February post. I mean wtf? My Corona Radar was WAY OFF. Perhaps the fact that it was short month that concluded with a big family event rendered me incapable of reading the writing on the wall. Today, with freefalling stock markets, the closure of Italy (!), BA flights grounded, multiple business headquarters closing, including Facebook’s, and the domino-like cancellation of Easter holiday plans I’m not feeling optimistic, even a tiny bit. My wait-and-see mentality has given way to a sober realisation that we are on a flaming trajectory into the unknown.  In 2020 we’ve emerged from bushfires, segued into floods and have now leapfrogged into an episode of The Twilight Zone. From a family perspective, restricted travel bans mean that this will be the most time our family has spent together in years. […]

  2. 26 February 2020

    Maybe it’s something to do with the blossoms that have begun to appear in my street, but I’ve come over all cautiously optimistic. Having learnt my lesson about obsessing too hard over current events (hello, goodbye and where have you gone from the airwaves, endless Brexit debate) I’m keeping cool and carrying on. Schools closing around us? No drama. Someone coughing over me on the tube? Not panicking when armed with turtle neck and the last bottle of hand sanitizer from local Boots.

    Optimism then. Only a week ago I believed that not only would Trump continue on his surreal trajectory towards re-election but that Weinstein, also, would rise phoenix like from the ashes. Any moment now, I gloomily surmised, he would be acquitted, shake off his mysterious ‘back problems’ and resume business as usual. And then yesterday’s verdict came, what surprise, what great relief: Weinstein guilty of rape and […]

  3. 26 January 2020

     Last night the BBC weather report concluded with this advice from the meteorologist. ‘Enjoy the gloomy weather as it turns wet and windy next week’. This weekend I’ve been trying to skip through the gloom, but admit it’s been a challenge at this particular time of year, which for me represents peak homesickness. I understand Australia Day evokes a mixed bag of emotions, especially for those who feel it is at odds with the recognition, respect and sensitivity due our indigenous population.  Australia Day for many is a time to not only reflect on our history but to praise those whose tireless efforts have done so much to protect our land. This long weekend, more than ever, I appreciate the men and women who have tirelessly battled the recent fires, and who continue to do so against all odds. This weekend I grieve the loss of our wildlife.

    So, to January in […]