Maybe it’s something to do with the blossoms that have begun to appear in my street, but I’ve come over all cautiously optimistic. Having learnt my lesson about obsessing too hard over current events (hello, goodbye and where have you gone from the airwaves, endless Brexit debate) I’m keeping cool and carrying on. Schools closing around us? No drama. Someone coughing over me on the tube? Not panicking when armed with turtle neck and the last bottle of hand sanitizer from local Boots.

Optimism then. Only a week ago I believed that not only would Trump continue on his surreal trajectory towards re-election but that Weinstein, also, would rise phoenix like from the ashes. Any moment now, I gloomily surmised, he would be acquitted, shake off his mysterious ‘back problems’ and resume business as usual. And then yesterday’s verdict came, what surprise, what great relief: Weinstein guilty of rape and […]