So there I was flippantly pondering what effect Brexit would have on the social kiss hello. Would the quasi-Continental both- cheek kiss greeting,  the most commonly observed formality in London,  no longer be palatable post -Brexit? What exactly  did  the pre-EU full English kiss hello consist of? Was it like the current Australian greeting amongst friends ; a shoulder barge followed by a hearty smack on the left cheek (well that’s the way I do it)? Or was it a stiff upper lip air kiss like a haughty hen inhaling the breeze as it lays an egg in a mild November mist?What I think I’m enquiring about is this: will we need to revert to the kissing customs of 20 years ago to honour  the imminent departure from the EU?

But this flippancy has melted into fear at the latest news. It has mostly been possible, up until now, to […]