Sophie Lee's Blog
  1. 13 April 2011

    My third book is released next month and I’ll be on the promotion trail once again.

    Back in 2007, when I finished my first novel, my publicist booked loads of spots for me on radio stations and TV shows, in newspapers and even in the glossy women’s mags, but at the time I just wasn’t getting enough sleep to be grateful for all the coverage.

    There were my three children all under the age of four, one of whom was a newborn baby who needed three-hourly feeds and to be transported from interview to interview in his bucket. Most days I was in a fog of heightened anxiety, clawing desperately for more sleep (if you can imagine combining two such diametrically opposed states). I can still remember telling my next-door neighbour over the side fence that I was going on one of those national morning television shows the […]

  2. 08 April 2011

    Up to now I’ve been the sort of person who’s lived a compartmentalised life for the sake of getting things done. Writing always has to be done in the office at designated work times. Reading is done in the reading chair by the north-facing window. Homework supervision could only be done at the kitchen table in homework time. But now it’s autumn: Easter holidays are looming and leaves will soon be falling, yet it feels like next to nothing has been achieved in the good old compartmentalised way. Perhaps life as we know it just isn’t anything like it used to be. Should we even be trying to divvy up tasks any more than we should be taking a horse and buggy to the store for a sack of flour and a side of beef? Why was this miracle of wireless internet invented? If recent observations are anything to go […]